Whenever it is not possible to attend a case consultation group, it may be more desirable to have individual supervisions over the phone. This course is designed for anyone who is currently seeing clients in play therapy may participate in phone supervisions with Dr. Byron Norton.



Course Fees

Cost of the phone supervision is $100 per hour.


The purpose of the supervisions may vary from desiring feedback on cases, preparing for court or assistance in assessing sexual abuse in children.

It also is an opportunity to learn more about experiential play therapy.

The supervision hours may also be used to meet part of the requirements for Registered Play Therapist – Supervisor.




All that is required is calling the office at 970-351-6688 (voice mail) or 970-351-6697 to set up a time for the call. The person seeking supervision must call at the appointed time. It may also be desirable to send a videotape ahead of the appointment time so that both individuals may view the tape as the supervision occurs.

At the time of supervision, call 970-352-2454 which is the supervision line.


“Awesome learning. Received  a better understanding of metaphor in play. GREAT!”

Jodi, Little Falls, MN

“This was a wonderful seminar, jam-packed with essential, powerful, and interesting information, insights, and technique. I know I will use what I learned in every session I do with children beginning immediately.”

Jennifer, Montpelier, VT

“I am in court frequently as an expert witness but never had any trainings on the topic before, so I think this will be very helpful to others who have yet to testify. I would have loved this information before my first case in court.”

Kristi, Gladstone, MO

“The ability to see the progression of therapy and learn this model takes children’s play to a whole new level. I feel so enriched and flooded with such valuable insight into treating children of trauma.”

Lindsay, Cheyenne, WY

“As expected and beyond –offered a way to learn experiential play therapy by experiencing it.”

Leah, Redmond, WA

“Thank you, Dr. Norton, for your expertise and willingness to share it so children all over can benefit from trained professionals”

Helen, Brooklyn, NY

“Excellent information and I really appreciate your respect for the child.”

Michelle, Mission Viejo, CA

“The training was life changing, both personally and professionally”

Tonya, EauClaire, WI

“An extremely valuable training that has enabled me to learn and grow. I feel this training has given me even more than I expected.”

Dana, Colorado Springs, CO

“The training helped to understand the complexities of children’s play process in relation to high conflict divorce.”

Amanda, Vienna, VA